Monday 15 March 2010

No Vampires Need Apply !

Despite the cold temperatures over the last 3 months I am really pleased with this year's garlic.

Planted on 9th November. Varieties include Christo, Ilico, Purple and Solent Wight and Jolimont which apparently keeps well.

Winter onions not as impressive but have rooted this year's sets in sand (thanks for the tip Brian!) and they are looking good for planting at the end of the month.

Broad beans in cold frame at home finally starting to show shoots - more than 3 weeks late compared with last year - I am assured that they will catch up!

Anybody started sowing beetroot and turnips yet or is the soil still too cold?


  1. We put in a a couple of beds of onions before winter. The red ones have just slept until this week. I had thought they were gonners. The white ones have done a bit better. Other than that we've just put fleece and weed matting on some of the beds to try and warm up the soil. Wish we'd done garlic - have to get organised next year! Janice xx

  2. You might get away with planting soft neck varieties now. Dobies of Devon,, 0844 701 7625, are offering Solent Wight, Arno and Sultop until the end of the month. Mark Plot 17
